AMWA Networked Media Incubator
This workshop (Jan 11-15, London) was the first opportunity provided by the AMWA for a broad range of industry suppliers to test and demonstrate their ability to interoperate with each other using live IP.
The key targets were to demonstrate “discovery and registration” - the ability to simply plug a device into a network, have it recognized and have its capabilities exposed for other devices to use - and to demonstrate carriage of identity and timing information. The workshop also allowed participants to test interchange of essence streams compliant with the Video Services Forum’s TR-03 (ST-2110).
This is the first step towards end users having freedom of choice in products and the power to design best of breed IP-based systems. Significantly, the AMWA is announcing that, having collected vendor feedback at the workshop, it is preparing to publicly post an open AMWA API Specification which was the basis for the discovery and registration technology tested at the event.
The 14 organisations participating were Atos, AMWA, Avid, BBC, Embrionix, Harmonic, InSync Technology, Mellanox Technologies, Nevion, Panasonic, Snell Advanced Media, Streampunk Media and Suitcase TV, with EBU representatives present on the final day.
Having reviewed the outcome, the EBU team were impressed by the effective approach which delivered concrete results in a short period of time. They will next discuss how to support the initiative further.
Since the original discussions, other companies have expressed interest in joining the project and its workshops. In response to this, there will be an opportunity to join a second Phase 1 workshop prior to NAB, which is scheduled from March 21- 24. Importantly, this will allow an even greater number of companies to move on to Phase 2 after the show.
In addition to the original work, the expansion of Phase 1 will also include:- Testing that the discovery and registration API is robust and a suitable basis for use with proposals such as TR-03. This will include supporting a very simple case, such as connecting a camera to a device. The Discovery and Registration API supports a wide range of scenarios from single point-topoint connections up to thousands of devices across a system.
Testing of more audio implementations.
An update of the specifications to include feedback during the Phase 1 workshop.
Further details will be provided at a web meeting at 1500 GMT on Wed 27th January. This will be open to non-AMWA members.
For technical detail, highlights of the successes of the current interoperability workshop are:-
Every organisation successfully registered resources via the Discovery and Registration API.
The majority of organisations successfully sent and received TR-03 (ST-2110)- compliant video RTP streams to and from the reference implementations.
Interoperability of the AMWA’s RTP header extensions for identity and timing was achieved.
As well as interoperability with the reference senders / receivers, there were several successful instances of two organisations exchanging streams.
Not all organisations had audio functionality but audio flow interoperability was successfully demonstrated.
In addition to the BBC's reference, a participant demonstrated a tabletbased tool that used the Discovery and Registration API to manage the connection to others' streams.
A heterogeneous network infrastructure worked successfully .
For more information on this project, to attend the web meeting, or to become involved in the next workshop, please contact Neil Dunstan, Director, Membership and Marketing for the AMWA at
Further information on this project is available at
For further information on the emSFP used in the AMWA testing, please visit or contact our sales team by E-mail
About Embrionix
Embrionix provides a new approach to the product interface market for broadcast manufacturers. Embrionix designs and builds innovative, advanced SFPs, advanced video SFP, RESTful SFP to close the gap between IP, 12G UHD-SDI, 6G UHD-SDI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI, SD-SDI fiber optic deployments, 12G UHD-SDI, 6G UHD-SDI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI, SD-SDI coaxial deployments, and emerging technology deployments, such as HDMI, composite video and Ethernet ST-2022, ST-2110, TR-04. By leveraging its core competencies in video broadcast, the company provides SFP modules (emSFP) with the highest level of flexibility to major broadcasters in the industry. Embrionix headquarter is based in Laval, Quebec. Embrionix sales, representative, and distribution offices are located in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, South America, Germany, France, Israel, and Japan. For more information on pricing and availability, please visit or contact our sales team by E-mail
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